“With over 60% of the Patients looking for digital access to healthcare, Digital Transformation is a Strategic Imperative rather than a mere nice to have”

According to recent research, patients are making healthcare access decisions after extensive research looking into cost, relevant experience, convenience, and online provider reviews.

With our Digital Consulting Services we help you start with the basics. Our Digital Roadmap for your practice may include:

Improve Patient Experience and Connect with them on the digital landscape

Fact: Lifetime value of a patient $1.4 M

Strategy: Go Digital: Meet your patients in the digital landscape with a welcoming branded digital front door for all access points.

Solution: We develop an innovative digital online presence and connect with your backend systems giving your patients easy access to your practice.

Fact: 77% Patients want to book or reschedule appointments online

Strategy: Boost Self-Service: Let your patients self-schedule appointments in real-time with guided instructions.

Solution: We develop patient access systems and connect them with your patient scheduling to ensure your patients are just a few clicks away from making their appointments.

Fact: Increase in Patient Satisfaction 40%

Strategy: Offer Flexibility: Let Patients complete pre-registration and intake tasks before their arrival and make payments anytime during the process.

Solution: Once scheduling is completed our Patient Access System assists the patients in digitally filling out the pre-registration forms which helps the patient and your clinical staff save precious time and increase patient satisfaction.

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