Case Study: Optimizing Revenue Cycle Management for IMAP Medical Practice with DIJINATION

How we helped Internal Medicine save 32% on operating costs?

Client Background

IMAP faced significant challenges in managing its revenue cycle efficiently. Manual processes for schedule management, patient onboarding, benefits verification, and revenue management led to operational inefficiencies and delayed payments.



Company Size

30 - 40 Employess


Plano, Texas

Quantifiable Success

Measuring success against predefined KPIs revealed significant improvements

Reduction in Patient Wait Times
1 %
Appointment Accuracy
1 %
Cost Savings
1 %
Patient Satisfaction
1 %
Staff Workload Optimization
1 %

The Challenges

Inefficient Schedule Management

IMAP struggled with appointment scheduling, resulting in overbooking, resource underutilization, and patient dissatisfaction.

Manual Patient Onboarding

Manual onboarding processes caused delays, data inaccuracies, and increased administrative burden.

Verification of Benefits

Manual verification of patient insurance benefits led to time-consuming processes, errors, and delayed reimbursements.

Revenue Cycle Management

Manual revenue cycle management processes caused billing errors, claim denials, and delayed payments, impacting cash flow.


IMAP partnered with DIJINATION, a Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) company, to address these challenges and enhance revenue cycle efficiency

Trained Staff and Efficient Resource Utilization

DIJINATION provided highly trained RCM specialists who efficiently managed schedule optimization, patient onboarding, benefits verification, and revenue cycle tasks using fewer resources, thus reducing costs for IMAP.

Digital Patient Onboarding

DIJINATION introduced an online platform for patient registration and data collection, reducing paperwork, enhancing data accuracy, and expediting the onboarding process.

Integrated Verification of Benefits

DIJINATION integrated automated tools to verify patient insurance benefits in real-time, ensuring accurate eligibility checks and reducing claim denials.


Revenue Cycle Management

DIJINATION deployed experienced RCM specialists equipped with advanced technology to handle billing, coding, claims submission, and follow-up, ensuring timely payments and minimizing revenue leakage.



Enhanced Revenue Cycle Efficiency

Trained DIJINATION teams efficiently managed revenue cycle tasks, resulting in 25% faster claims processing, reduced denials by 20%, and improved revenue capture, bolstering IMAP's financial health.

Improved Schedule Management

IMAP experienced 30% reduction in scheduling errors, optimizing physician schedules, and enhancing patient satisfaction.

Cost Savings

By utilizing DIJINATION’'s trained staff and RCM services, IMAP reduced overhead costs by 15% associated with in-house staff while ensuring efficient revenue cycle management.

Efficient Patient Onboarding

Digital onboarding streamlined administrative processes, reducing patient onboarding times by 55%, and improving data accuracy by 55%, leading to enhanced patient experience.


Through a strategic partnership with DIJINATION for Revenue Cycle Management solutions, IMAP Medical Practice successfully addressed operational challenges and optimized revenue cycle efficiency. DIJINATION's trained teams effectively managed tasks with fewer resources, leading to cost savings for IMAP while enhancing patient satisfaction and financial performance, positioning IMAP for sustainable growth in the healthcare industry.

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